The Corporation of the Seven Wardens - Camp 2 - Montreal



Office of Camp 2


Corporation of the Seven Wardens - Camp 2 - Montreal
1100 Notre-Dame Street West, Office A.0854                                  
Montréal QC  H3C 1K3 



General information

To replace your iron ring or to obtain detailed information as to the dates, time, etc. of upcoming obligation ceremonies, you may contact the representative of the Corporation of Seven Wardens at each University / School, or the office of Camp 2 - Montreal:


Concordia University

École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)

École Polytechnique de Montréal
Charlene Thiboutot, Service aux étudiants, 2500 ch. de Polytechnique (C-240), 514 340-4711 (4853)

McGill University
Julie Godin, McGill Engineering Student Center
3450 University
 Street, Room 22 

UQAT (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
July Wagner, 819 762-0971 (2536)